Year 5/6 News

In Year 5 and 6 we are learning about the Daily 5, our whole school approach to Literacy. We have made our book boxes using the iPick strategy to select Good Fit Books. 

We have also learnt the three ways to read a book including reading the pictures, reading the words, and re-retelling the story in our own words. We have set up the expectations for Read to Self together, and have been practicing building stamina when reading to ourselves. We have been recording how long we can read for until we get distracted on a chart.


Next, we will be learning about Work on Writing!


The Resilience Project


This year as a whole school we have started working on the ‘The Resilience Project’.  It is a program to show, display and live ‘wellbeing’.  It focuses on ‘GEM’.



Paying attention to the things and moments we have right now and not worrying about what we don’t have.  We practise gratitude by noticing the positives that exist around us and by being thankful for things, places and people in our lives.



Empathy and Kindness are closely related.  So are empathy and compassion.  To be empathetic is to put ourselves in the shoes of others to feel and see what they are.  We practice this by being kind towards other people.



Mindfulness activities help us to be present in the moment and often create a feeling of calm.  We practice this through slowing down and concentrating on one thing at a time.  This may include meditation, colouring in and taking some ‘me’ time to reflect.



Here is what some of the students in 5M are saying about the Resilience Project…


 It focuses on the things that make us feel happy.I learnt that when you really focus on      something, you will find the good in everything.  (Rosie)


 I enjoy these lessons, it helps teach us how to release negative energy in a positive way and shows us as peop[le how to be Empathetic, Mindful and have and display Gratitude.  (Chloe)


 I enjoy doing the lessons each week.  They are fun to do and it makes me learn more about myself and others around me.  (Isabella)


 I enjoy each Tuesday afternoon when we do these lessons because it makes me mentally healthy and teaches me to think about others as well.  (Henry)