Grade 3/4 News

Loving learning every day with Miss Stephan, Mrs Jacobs and Miss Mawby!

Special help from Mr Reid, Mr Hayward, Mrs Harrison and Miss Judy.

What a big couple of weeks it has been in 3/4! 


We had a fantastic time at our Athletics Carnival last Friday, and we are so proud of everybody's attitudes and their willingness to jump in and have a go. We have been getting lots of really positive comment on how amazing the 3/4s were.

In literacy, we have continued our study of Little Turtle and The Sea, and looking at the difference between a fiction text and non-fiction text. We had lots of fun playing Hot Seat, pretending to be Little Turtle, and using drama to bring the story to life.  

While our fabulous Grade 3s have been working hard on NAPLAN with Miss Stephan, the Grade 4s have been using a story mountain to write a narrative about a hidden treasure with Miss Mawby and Mrs Jacobs.

In fluid group maths we have continued our focus on place value and are seeing some fantastic thinking going on. In classroom maths, we have just finished looking at angles, where we found angles around the school and in our names. We  have just started looking at 3D shapes and their properties.