1/2 Classes

Mrs McBride, Mrs Green-Leigh & Mr Shuttleworth

Personal & Social Learning

During our class mindfulness meditation we imagined a special animal friend, that could come to us and help us when we are having big feelings like sadness, nervousness or even just the wobbles. Students discussed how to recognise emotions and used words to describe a range of feelings. Our imaginary animal friends can make us feel calm, happy, peaceful and safe. We can close our eyes and imagine are special animal frineds are with us whenever we need to. Here are our illustrations of our magical animal friends.


We have been learning about time this week. Here are some of the clocks we have been practising drawing to help us understand why we say things like "half past" and "quarter to". We are also practising saying the days of the week and months of the year. 




1/2B have mastered the spelling for these tricky words by remembering "OH YOU LUCKY DUCKY"! Here is the link to the video. Enjoy.


Home Readers


Readers & Library books are changed every Thursday.


Congratulations to these students who have completed Level 1 on DRA Online reading!


Families will have noticed by now the change in our Home Reading Program. We are always striving to do the best by our students and with that comes change. Here is a short 6 minute video that provides a brief overview of the Science of Reading and the different bodies of research that contribute to it.


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