Foundation Class

Studying ‘The Changing World’ in Prep.
This term the Prep class have been exploring how many things in there lives keep changing, some that they can control and some that they can not. We have been investigating how our seasons change, how we use our senses to identify change and how living things change to survive.
Through the many discussions, the Preps are becoming more aware of changes in their lives and understanding that changes are all around them. They are understanding why things change and what may change in the future.
We read the book “Jack and the Beanstalk” which prompted some conversations about what a beanstalk would need to grow and change. We then conducted an experiment to see how a bean seed changes into a plant. Each student placed some wet paper towel in a ziplock bag and 4 ‘lucky beans’ on top.
We had some fantastic predictions of what was going to happen to the bean seeds.
Jett: The seed is going to grow so big it will touch the clouds.
Rebecca: If the seed grows, I think there will be vegetables on the plant.
Hemi: Can we keep the plant if it grows?
Ada: The seeds are only going to grow if we give it water and sunlight.
Carter: I don’t think the seeds will grow in the bag. It needs dirt.
During this experiment, the Preps observed and recorded the changes that happened to the bean seed. The Preps were reminded of what the seed looked like at the start of the experiment and then had to draw the final changes to their beans before they went home with the students.
All the Preps seeds grew which was exciting in itself, but to top it off the small plants were allowed to go home to continue to their growing.
Some of the comments from the students at the end of the experiment were as follows:
Matilda: Wow I can not wait to show my mum!
Charlie: I am going to plant mine today after school so it grows really big.
Holly: I am going to put mine in the garden when I get home.
Ashton: I can not believe my seeds have grown so tall. Maybe it is a magic seed.