VET News

This year we have successfully enrolled our students in VET courses taking up 89 places within the Northern Metropolitan Vet Cluster host schools.
Our students are studying the following VET courses this year:
- Building and Construction
- Automotive
- Community Services
- Cookery
- Creative industries
- Electrotechnology
- Plumbing
- Retail Cosmetics
- Salon Assistant
- Beauty Services
- Business
- Early Childhood Education & Care
- Health Services Assistance
- Screen & Media
- Sport and Recreation
- And a Trade Taster course.
Many of our students are traveling to be able to attend a host school for their courses that are not so close to home. Our students are attending host schools like:
- Outer Northern Trade Training Centre
- Parade College
- Macleod College
- Endota Wellness College
- Hazel Glen College
- Charles LaTrobe College
- The Northern College of the Arts and Technology and of course
- Peter Lalor Secondary College.
Our students are settling in well in their courses and are almost a third of the way through the VET year. It is really lovely to see how keen and motivated our students are to do well in their courses to be able to cement a great career pathway once they are completed. Many of our year 12 students are completing two years of VET in one year so that they can achieve an additional full certificate at the end of their senior studies.
Rachael Philp - VET Administration