Careers News

Structured Work Place Learning (SWL)
It has been a busy term for students to secure a Structured Work Placement that fits their aspirations for the future. So far we have had a great success in over half of our students securing a work placement for the remainder of Semester 1. Currently we have a number of students who are in the process of having an interview which hopefully turns into a successful work placement. We also have a few students that have secured a School Based Apprenticeship or are in the process of signing papers to secure the position.
School Based Apprenticeship
This is our Yr10 student Cooper Gibson who has secured a School Based Apprenticeship in Panel Beating with the assistance of Head Start Learning Leader Tahnee McGoldrick. A big congratulations to Cooper on this achievement.
If there are any students who have not yet secured a Structured Work Placement you will need to make an appointment with the Careers Team early next term to get assistance with this process.
Reflection of a Former Graduate
Ella Vespoli is a Yr12 Graduate and has had an amazing journey into full time employment. In mid-October of last year, the architects who designed the new school building Clarke Hopkins Clarke, approached the Careers team with the offer of a job at their offices in Carlton. They were looking for a staff member to join the office staff as an allrounder with the prospect of the employee being able to grow and move into any area of the business once trained. This position was created for one of our Peter Lalor Students after they had seen what our school offers the students in terms of life after school.
After speaking to the Yr12 Coordinator Rachel Villani we decided to offer the prospect to Ella and to go for an interview. An interview was arrange for Ella to meet with Wayne Stevens and a few of his staff to discuss the position on offer. It was a very informal meeting, and then a tour of the business. At the end of the tour Ella was offered the job.
Ella completed a 2 week trial in December, so that she could meet the staff and do some training within the company. Ella then commenced a 30 hour week in January, so that she could ease into the job. Ella is now working fulltime and is enjoying the variety in the job. No two days are the same. Clarke Hopkins Clarke are also very happy with Ella and her continued enthusiasm and willingness to learn new tasks.
Denise Camenzuli - Careers & Pathways