
HERO Reporting 2023


HERO is our school communication system (app or web-based).  Use HERO to view your child's report.  Twice a year you will receive an email with your child's social/emotional comment - You can either click this link and you will be taken to your child's full report or go straight through the app.


This report will show how many goals your child has achieved and what they are currently working on for:


Foundation skills (pre-level 1)

Turangawaewae (Key Competency focus for 2023),

Curriculum levels (Reading, Writing and Maths)

Overall attendance

Social/Emotional/Current Learning comment

Deputy Principal, Learning Support, Principal comment (End of Year)


This image below is available on your child's report page on HERO.  Once logged in, click 'about this page.'  Here, you can see where your child should be for Reading, Writing and Maths for their year level.



Brain Play teaches science & technology classes to Kiwi kids aged 5 - 13, right across the country! We offer holiday programmes, online classes, in-person after-school classes, in-school classes, and free community events. Our topics include 3D printing, coding, animation, STEM experiments, LEGO & more. Free trials are also available for new students. We also have lots of awesome school holiday activities coming up in April. Check out our website to learn more about what's on at Brain Play & book in today -