Living Justice Living Peace

International Day of Elimination of Racial Discrimination


Harmony Day was rebranded in 1999 to be a celebration of inclusivity. Despite its good intentions, in doing so, it has silenced the conversation surrounding racism, which was the reason the day of recognition was created in the first place. It is easier to think that racism does not exist, and that every student in our school is safe and free from racism; however just because it is not witnessed directly, it does not mean it does not exist. The subtlety of racism knows no limits and it is often these subtle actions that go unnoticed.  


In recognising International Day of Elimination of Racial Discrimination I invite everyone to reflect on the following questions that are used in the video.  

  1. How old was I when I became aware of my race?
  2. Has my mental health ever been affected by racism?
  3. Have I ever been racially abused after a sporting game?
  4. Can I be sure my name won’t stop me from getting a job or opportunity?
  5. Do I see people who are like me in positions of power or authority?
  6. If I am stopped by police can I be sure it is not because of my race?
  7. Can I spend time on Social Media without the fear of being racially abused?

So what can we do? 

To understand racial discrimination, we need to ask ourselves the tough questions. The clip above allows us to consider our situation in light of racism, whether that be privilege or discrimination. How do we use our position of privilege to assist others? How do we act when we hear a racist slur or see exclusion? What community are we building when racial discrimination is not called out? 


All of the answers to these questions take great courage. However, without facing our fears and having these conversations, things stay relatively the same. By beginning the conversation we are taking a step forward in recognising these behaviours and creating a community of inclusion.  


Brooke O'Brien

Living Justice Living Peace Leader and Co Student Agency and Voice Leader