Within PDHPE lessons, students are continually challenged to take time to think about their lifestyle choices and their goals. Students are encouraged to write down their goals and take time to plan the steps they will take, in order to achieve them. Is this something you could encourage your child to think about? Perhaps they might like to engage in some practice for the upcoming Athletics Carnival which will be held next Wednesday.
This term in theory lessons, Year 7 is exploring the unit ‘Change and Relationships’ and participating in practical activities including Athletics and Striking/Fielding Games. During the term, many Year 7 and 9 students have travelled to the Jubilee Park Athletics track to practise their Long and Triple Jump. It was great to see all students doing their best and striving to improve.
Year 8 is focusing on the unit ‘Movement Skill and Performance’. Within this unit they create an obstacle course utilising a series of Fundamental Movement Skills and explore its value in improving performance in a chosen sport. They are playing European Handball early in the term and later on will participate in some Cross Country running in practical lessons.
Year 9 students have been considering the role of themselves and others in developing ‘Respectful Relationships’ and Year 10 are focusing on the unit ‘Physical Activity and Me’ where they are looking to create opportunities for young people to remain physically active during major drop out zones as they move through adolescence.
Year 11 Sport, Life and Recreation has been enjoying their visits to the Gym at Snap Fitness and the Year 9 Outdoor Education Interest Elective class has been busy learning about ropes, harnesses and knot tying in preparation for their Caving Excursion to Wee Jasper.
Mr Matthew Hope | PDHPE KLA Leader