Year 7 Rivers Excursion
Year 7 Geography visited the Marrambidya Wetland, which is a valuable community resource for educational, cultural and passive recreational activities. It is a stunning 20-hectare reserve located alongside the Murrumbidgee River only a few minutes from the Wagga Wagga city centre.
Year 11 students have revisited the concepts of Plate Tectonics and Geomorphic processes as part of their studies of Biophysical Interactions, using Oreo biscuits to demonstrate convergent, divergent and transform boundaries and subduction zones.
Year 12 visited Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo earlier this term as part of their unit of work on Tourism as an economic activity. Students participated in the ZooSnooz program where they spent the night at Billabong Camp within the zoo grounds. This program includes both a night tour of the nocturnal animal enclosures as well as a morning tour of the zoo before it opens to the public.
Students attended a lesson at the Education Centre based on the Stage 6 syllabus and then went on the Safari tour; an open range concept within the zoo. Fieldwork like this allows students to gain a better understanding of the spatial and ecological dimensions of the zoo.
Legal Studies
Year 12 Legal Studies students recently visited the Wagga Police Station where Senior Constable Braydon Sharrock showed them around the various sections including Highway Patrol and Command Centre. He spoke to students about the various employment opportunities available to those considering a career in the service. Students also had the opportunity to meet and ask questions of the commander of the Riverina Police District, Superintendent Andrew Spliet, which was very interesting.
Later, after a two year hiatus due to Covid restrictions, students were able to observe criminal court procedures at the Wagga Courthouse. After some time in the Local Court hearing minor traffic matters, students were very fortunate to observe the testimony of a defendant in a Supreme Court case - a very rare occurrence for Wagga. It was well worth the wait and all students found it a valuable addition to their formal studies in the classroom.
Upcoming Events
Monday 1 May - Year 9 Troubie Theatre Production
Monday 8 May - Year 9 Australian War Memorial Canberra Excursion
Thursday 16 March - Year 10 Commerce ASX Sharemarket Game
Students will receive a virtual $50,000 which they can invest over a 10 week period, in over 300 companies listed on the ASX. The prices for students to buy and sell at are the same as prices those in the live market, so this is as close to real life share trading possible. The "game" will run for 8 weeks.
Mr Rod Buik | HSIE KLA Leader