
In February, Year 12 Chemistry students traveled to Charles Sturt University for the day. Students were given the opportunity to use CSU facilities whilst working with University staff to complete a range of practical activities found in their Chemistry course. Thank you to Mr. Fitzpatrick for facilitating this valuable learning experience.
A selection of Year 10 students took part in the Science and Engineering Challenge on Thursday 2 March. The challenge was presented by The University of Newcastle in partnership with Inland Rail Skills Academy and in cooperation with Riverina Water and Rotary Clubs of Wagga Wagga. We thank the organisations for their help and guidance on the day.
Students were given the opportunity to work alongside other Riverina schools to design and build a range of structures including bridges, electricity distribution systems, bionic hands and buildings. These structures and projects were judged on the day and our Year 10 students came fourth.
Thank you to Ms Noske for her organisation and congratulations to all students who participated and represented Mater Dei so well.
Mr Charlie Anderson | Science KLA Leader