Academic Care and Wellbeing

Changes to College Uniform Policy
Prior to COVID the College embarked upon a plan to expand the available uniform items in response to parent and student requests for more climate friendly, sun safe and comfortable options. The cost of purchasing both a winter and a summer uniform was a further consideration. The student voice was captured through the SRC and the College Council provided an invaluable parent lens to the proposal.
As a result of the deliberations, a decision has been made that from Term 2, there will be no specific winter or summer uniform. Items traditionally worn in both winter and summer will now be options all year round and students can choose to wear any of the items of the College uniform in combination. For example, long pants, skirts and shorts can be worn with a long or short sleeve blue shirt. Ties and stockings will no longer be compulsory but may be worn by choice instead of white socks.
All uniform items remain unchanged, however in consultation with key stakeholders, the following additional items are either available now, or will become available during this year:
- As well as the traditional dress, the blue skirt and the tartan skirt that are currently available, can be worn by all year groups.
- There will no longer be a different junior and senior uniform.
- Long mid grey pants (currently on order) will be available in a female fit and it is anticipated that navy shorts will be available in a female fit later in the year.
- Short sleeve and long sleeved shirts that have a hem which is worn untucked are available in a male fit, together with navy shorts and long mid grey pants.
- For additional warmth, a cotton College jumper or woollen College jumper may be purchased as well as the water proofed jacket.
- The College uniform must still be worn Monday through Thursday and Sports Uniform is worn on Fridays. Students may choose to wear either the long sleeved or short sleeved sports shirt on Friday.
- Items from the College Uniform and Sports Uniform can not be worn together as a “mix and match”. Students will wear either the College Uniform or the Sports Uniform. Please be aware that the fit of the current sports shorts has led to a review process to improve fit. We will keep families updated on the progress of the sports shorts.
- Year 12 students also purchase their “Year 12 Jumper”, which identifies them as student leaders amongst the community.
Please click this link to view the updated Uniform and Appearance Policy and click here to view the online College Uniform Shop.
Ms Melanie Cramp | Leader of Students