A Time To Shine

Preparations for ‘A Time to Shine’ commenced in Term 3, 2022. Amidst the perils of Covid the plan gradually took shape through zoom meetings, emails and phone calls. Fast forward to Catholic Schools Week, 2023, where we CEDWW launched ‘A Time to Shine’.
Students were called upon, from around the Diocese, to unleash their musical and theatrical talents. Mater Dei students were exceptional in their performances, and this is directly attributed, not only to their individual skills, but from talents and leadership of Mr David Saxon, Mrs Rebecca Saxon and Ms Amber-Rose Walker, who all contributed countless hours of rehearsal time and polishing of performances.
On Tuesday 7 of March students converged on the Civic Theatre Wagga to start putting the show together. All students were outstanding and performed with great enthusiasm and energy. Mater Dei really brought the energy home with the finale performance of ‘Don't Stop Believin’, a throwback to one of our most successful Musicals from 2022. Congratulations to all who performed, rehearsed and contributed to a wonderfully successful evening.
Watch the full recording of the showcase here: