Principal's Address

Our Lenten Journey towards Easter - The Gift of Service
Thinking over my own experiences of Lent, I was recently reminded of my childhood where the focus on Lent in my family was “what will I give up?” No matter how many times I suggested it, brussel sprout or pumpkin was never the answer to this question!
As we grow and mature, our understanding of the importance of our Lenten preparation for Easter also develops. It is true that Lent is a time when we should look at our lives and our direction, as Pope Francis reminds us in his recent messages for Lent, with its focus on the need to “make our heart firm”. The Holy Father warns us of the effect of the “globalisation of indifference” that has pervaded our world. It normalises a lack of care and empathy for others and rewards self centeredness. By opening ourselves to God’s word this Lent, Pope Francis reminds us that we will receive a heart which is firm and merciful, attentive and generous, a heart which is not closed or prey to the globalisation of indifference. It is this generosity of spirit and a desire to be outward looking into the world that places our focus on being of service to others. With the situation in the Ukraine and so many natural disasters Pope Francis’ words have never been more pertinent.
Giving service is an important value in our community where, all too often, individualism and incivility tend to catch all the headlines. Actively appreciating the needs of other people and contributing to their wellbeing in a compassionate, caring and humble manner is a great way to counteract selfishness and anger.
As Christians, we should be the “doers” in our community, for we believe that our life was not meant to be spent solely on gratifying ourselves but to be shared generously with other people as Jesus did. Jesus did not anchor Himself in a synagogue but went out amongst the people, experienced their problems, listened compassionately to their needs and then acted in a favourable manner towards them.
There is truth in the saying that “a little selfless service tends to make selfishness go away”, and there is truth in the fact that service to others ennobles us. Introducing young people to the concept of service by, say volunteering to weed the garden of an elderly person who is no longer able to do the weeding, is an example of a simple way to develop the concept.
When we act together, our small individual actions become huge collectively and have the power to transform the lives of others. That is at the heart of our own inner journey to Easter.
“Lord, in this Holy time we pause to remember that your light can never be extinguished. Help us to believe in this truth so that we may live lives that display your continual illumination in the world.
We pray that this Easter we may become more like you.
Help us to develop an inner strength that is capable of handling life’s challenging situations.
Help us to provide a place in our heart where you reside. Amen.”
Catholic Schools Week Celebrations
The following words by Director of Catholic Education, Dr Andrew Watson, capture the essence of the celebrations:
Last week we celebrated Catholic Schools Week with many schools across the diocese promoting their communities, the educational offerings and outcomes offered by Catholic Education and participating in local and diocesan activities. I thank all schools, staff and students for their active involvement in Catholic Schools Week.
Of particular note was the success of three inaugural events to celebrate Catholic Education. Last Tuesday we were entertained by the students from our secondary colleges in "A Time to Shine". A magnificent showcase of the performing arts talents of our students. This coincided with the wonderful art exhibition “From the HeART”, with every primary school from across the Diocese exhibiting. There is no doubt that the creative arts are alive and well in our schools.
I thank each and every student and staff involved in both events. It was truly a wonderful celebration of Catholic Education.
The week then concluded with our Catholic Schools Week Mass celebrated by Bishop Mark Edwards and provided the opportunity for us to commission new staff to the schools from across the Wagga Deanery.
Later that evening our first Catholic Education Awards Dinner was held. This provided us with the opportunity to formally award our $20,000 teaching scholarships and recognise staff that have provided 50 and 40 years of service to Catholic Education. The evening concluded with the presentation of the Catholic Education Awards.
This included Sr Barbara Webber, whose Exemplary Contribution to Catholic Education was recognised. Congratulations Sr Barbara!
Longstanding employees in Catholic Education were also recognised during the celebrations on Thursday. Congratulations to:
Richard O’Connell (25 years of service)
Laurie Fitzpatrick (30 years of service)
Trish Fellows (30 years of service)
Don Huckel (40 years of service)
Val Thomas (40 years of service)
Launch of Key Strategic Documents
On Friday 10 March, the Staff Professional Learning Day for the Wagga Deanery also offered the opportunity to launch three key documents that will be a focus for Diocesan schools going forward:
- The Diocese of Wagga Wagga Catholic Education Charter
- The CEDWW Transformative Learning Statement
- The CEDWW Wellbeing for Learning Framework
We look forward to unpacking these important documents and embedding them into our learning culture at Mater Dei. As partners in the education of our students, parents/carers will play a key role in those processes going forward.
Staff News
Ms Amy Hazelwood has resigned from her teaching position and to undertake further studies from the end of this term. She still intends to remain on staff as a casual teacher. We wish Amy every blessing for the future and thank her for her contribution to the College since 2015. Ms Naomi Gill is replacing Ms Hazelwood from the beginning of Term 2.
Mrs Kayleen Murphy has also tendered her resignation from the end of March as the CAPA/Hospitality Assistant and will also be greatly missed. Mr Tom Murphy will also conclude his casual employment at the College, as they move away from Wagga. We thank them both for their contribution to Mater Dei and wish Tom and Kayleen every blessing for the future.
Congratulations to Mrs Mikka Bolitho, who was married recently and to Ms Bree Price who will be married next Saturday.
We keep the following members of staff and their partners in our prayers as they await the arrival of new babies in the coming weeks - Ashlee Fennell, Shaun Ellis and Erika Neo.
This is our last newsletter for Term 1, which finishes on Holy Thursday, 6 April.
Term 2 resumes for all students on Wednesday, 26 April. Monday 24 April is a Staff Professional Learning Day and ANZAC Day falls on Tuesday 25 April.
I will be on Leave during the first six weeks of Term 2. Mr Lawrence will be Acting Principal and Ms Cramp will be Acting Assistant Principal during this time.
In the spirit of Harmony Day, which we celebrated this week, we pray:
Send us courage, we pray, O Lord,
That we may follow your ways closely.
May our decisions be thoughtful and our actions kind
that we might live in loving harmony with others.
We ask these prayers in Jesus’ name. Amen.
As we enter the last weeks of Lent and approach the Season of Easter, I pray that having given our hearts to our preparations, that our Risen Saviour, will always be there by your side to bless each of our families abundantly and be your loving guide.
Mrs Val Thomas | Principal