Y9/10 Marine Sanctuary

BEST (Bioscience, Environmental Science, Sustainability & Technology)

During Term 1, the Year 9 & 10 Marine Sanctuary classes have explored Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary. Students have completed two snorkels on the reefs at Ricketts Point, where they have developed their snorkelling skills and investigated the underwater world.  They have been able to make a connection with the marine organisms that we are studying in class and have developed their snorkelling skills. We are looking forward to getting out for an exciting day of snorkelling at Portsea later this term.  


This term students have also participated in a day of reef sampling at Ricketts Point where they have measured the populations of species on the intertidal reef. The data collected will be used by the students for their PBL where they will produce a scientific poster on their ‘reef sampling’ investigation. 

Mr Steve Seddon
