It Takes a Village to Raise a Child

It Takes a Village to Raise a Child

This idea is a foundation stone of our Beaumaris Secondary College community. Our work in educating students is a true partnership, between families and school, and between the college and the Beaumaris community.


We all have the same goal: the very best outcomes for our young people.


Parents, the college, and our community want our young people:

• to feel safe

• to be happy at school and engaged in learning

• to feel connected to school and that they belong

• to believe they can achieve, and become their best selves


Working together as partners, we can support each other to achieve these goals. 


Sometimes things happen that aren’t what we want for our students or our school.  Sometimes our young people have experiences at school, or outside of school, that cause them to feel less safe, or to feel unhappy, or to lose connections, or to feel like they can no longer learn well.


Sometimes when these experiences happen, students and families can feel alone or unsure in how to deal with them. We aim to build resilience in our young people. The best indicator of a resilient young person is that they know who to see and where to go for advice and help. 


The message at school is for our students to speak with GOAL Mentors, or Learning Team teachers, or Heads of House, or the Principal team, to let us know if something has happened, and to work with us to deal with it effectively.


Families can support our work by making this the message at home too.


Sometimes issues seem bigger than a young person can manage on their own. It is at these times that the partnership with school is most important. Communicate with us, through GOAL Mentor or Head of House or Principal Team, and we will work with you.


From the start of this year we have been talking with students about safety. Students have been great in letting us know any concerns they have, and we are rolling out initiatives to address these and will share how in future newsletters. 


Parents have also been great in letting us know about issues happening at school, or out of school, that may be affecting students. 


It can be difficult sharing information sometimes, especially in a community as close as ours. However, when school has information shared with us, we can work to understand what is happening and address it properly. When parents become aware of experiences or issues that we don’t want for our students or school community, please let us know.


Our young people are magnificent. But our young people are also teenagers, and sometimes teenagers make decisions and take actions that are not in their best interests. Working together, as partners, parents and the college, we can support each other in addressing concerns, responding effectively and positively to any issues that arise, and achieve the goal of helping our young people become their best selves.


Mr Stephen Bourbon

Assistant Principal