Calrossy Junior School

We have had the most wonderful Week of Wellbeing in the Junior School: Playground Discos, Bubbles, Tasty Treats, Handball Competitions, Photo Booth, Chalk Drawing, Dress Ups and more. Whilst this has all been a lot of fun. Wellbeing is more than that. When we are well, we do well. Wellbeing isn’t taking it easy and chilling out all the time, it’s about being healthy, comfortable and thriving in any context. This is what forms the basis of wellbeing at Calrossy and we will continue to explore these concepts throughout the year. The Week of Wellbeing will pop up each term in 

Week 5, and we can’t wait for it to come round again. 



I was blown away by the Calrossy results at the HRIS Swimming. A notable mention goes to Oliver Pearson for breaking the 11 Year Old Boys 50m Butterfly record. Calrossy came third overall, winning the 9 Year Old Girls Team Champion and 11 Year Old Boys Team Champion. Eddie O’Shea, Oliver Pearson and Georgina Person where each name individual Age Champions. Congratulations to all our swimmers and best of luck to those going to CIS. 


Thank you to everyone who participated in the Colour Run or volunteered on the day to make it a huge success. It was colourful and exciting and every time we do something like the Colour Run I am blown away by how amazing our students are: the interactions between young and old, the generosity extended to all and the inclusivity is what makes Calrossy truly unique. Don't forget to check out the photo galleries on The Hub.



There are a few more events coming up in the next fortnight and the remaining weeks of this term. It is hard to believe we are already halfway through Term 1. Please read the notices each week for all the Junior School information. 


Galatians 6:10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people. 


Have a great week. 


Claire Smith

Head of Junior School