Catholic Identity


Last week saw the beginning of Lent, which is the 40 days we spend preparing to remember the death and resurrection of Jesus.  Last Sunday the Gospel reading recalled the temptation of Jesus, while he was in the desert.  During Lent we endeavour to fast from things and often find that like Jesus we are tempted to forget our Lenten Promises.  Through prayer we can be strengthened in our resolve and find that we are drawn closer to the life God wishes us to live.













Last Wednesday students from Year 1 - 6 attended an Ash Wednesday Liturgy. During this celebration the students received on their forehead a cross of ashes.  These ashes were blessed by Fr Albert and are made from the burnt palms used last year on Palm Sunday.  They are a tangible sign that we are entering a period of quiet reflection and penance. 


Spanning across the six weeks of Lent each year, Project Compassion brings thousands of Australian schools, parishes and supporters together to raise funds for Caritas, our Catholic Aid Agency. These much-needed funds help alleviate poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity in the most vulnerable and marginalised communities in the world.  Each class has their own Project Compassion Box, where students can put their donations. This is a terrific opportunity for children to use some of their pocket money to give to others in the world who are in need of some support.


Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day is the day before Ash Wednesday.   The word ‘Shrove’ comes from the old word 'shriving', which means to listen to someone's sins and forgive them. On this day traditionally Christians would go to confession in preparation for Easter.  The tradition of eating Pancakes comes from people using their leftover eggs, milk and sugar in preparation for the fasting element of Lent.


Through the efforts of our Student Voice Team, warm Pancakes were delivered to everyone in the school.  Thanks especially to the Year 6 students who prepared and delivered this treat.

St Andrew's Parish Take Away Sheet

To view the latest parish newsletter which includes details of mass times, please select the link below.