An Acclaimed Artist      

David Booth (SVC 1994-97) 

The preceding profile was taken from the website:  Ghost Patrolled. An interview with one of the best.


David Booth, better known as Ghost Patrol, is a key creative in the Australian contemporary art scene. Born in Hobart, now living in Melbourne, he’s built an international reputation from his large scale murals and pastie street art. He’s also a renowned illustrator, painter, sculptor and installation artist. Loved by so many, his characters have an inviting, fun energy about them. He‘s inspired by the cosmos, science and the future of the universe.


The full interview and examples of his art can be found on the aforementioned site.

ALSO a video of David can be viewed on the ‘net’. REF: David Booth – Abbotsford Convent.


David with his work 'Divided World'
David with his work 'Divided World'