The Terminator!  

Max Sylvester 

Current Year 9 student Max Sylvester featured in the January14 edition of the Hobart Mercury.  The article focused on his love of the natural environment and his quest to eliminate the impact of feral cats on native fauna. 


Quoting from the article by Kenji Sato – “Max used up his savings to buy cat traps and camera gear to monitor the movement of cats and local wildlife.”

“Max has already trapped 35 feral cats, 19 of which he caught in the Central Highlands the week before Christmas. Max has offered his expertise to several farmers and in the coming months will travel the state on his cat-trapping missions.”


Max is the son of former student Michael (SVC 1993-94) who is a current member of the St Virgil’s College Advisory Council.  (Michael was profiled in the Aug. 2019 edition of OVAtion – earlier editions can be found on the Association website –  


Max’s older brother, Harry, is the current Deputy College Captain at St Virgil’s whilst younger brother, Louis, is in Year 7.