College Captains Report

Every day matters

College Captain Introductions to the Community


Being a college captain has always been a dream of mine, and I'd like to acknowledge what an amazing team we’ve been able to assemble to lead our school this year. 

I am a VCE student who specialises in the maths and science sectors of education. Moving to Homestead during the peak of covid in Victoria was quite a challenge, but the receptiveness of my fellow students and teachers at Homestead has made my journey into VCE that much easier. As a leader, I’d like to firstly repay the effort Homestead has put into us Year 12s, by bringing in new experiences and making life easier for the new admissions every year. Additionally, I would like to make Homestead a better place to be, and keep leading it in the right direction it's already in.



As one of your school captains this year, my goal is to make Homestead a place each student is excited to come to every morning, to achieve their highest potential. 

My name is Radhika and I am a part of the VCE program, but that doesn’t mean that’s my only focus. Every individual’s academic journey is important to me from VCE to VCAL to VET. I hope to make this school one with countless opportunities for all its students.



I am extremely honoured to be part of a collective team of student leaders, as a vice school captain, contributing to make Homestead a better school than it already is. My name is Hayden, and I am a VCE student who enjoys both science and mathematics. My many years of student leadership experience has prepared me to engage with students and to make positive educational impact. Because of COVID, the leaders and I weren’t able to implement our ideas. Now that we’ve recovered from our lockdowns, those activities and ideas can take place



Unlike my team members I wouldn’t consider myself academic. However I pride myself in self expression and creativity. I am a VCE student who also studies a VET in Applied Fashion and Technology. Coming to Homestead has helped me grow my skills, see new perspectives and learn new things everyday. As a leader, I hope to bring new experiences to enrich our school to be more exciting, educational and memorable. I want to be able to help the school that has helped me so much before I graduate. 


Vision and values marketing day

The college captains and the School Council President, Danielle Rowe, along with Danijel had the opportunity to work with Homestead lead designer to brainstorm the visual element to our House Culture and Values. It was a great experience, we can't wait to see it come to fruition.


The HSSC student diary

At Homestead students are provided with a school diary to ensure they are well organised with their studies. Each year, the college hosts a diary cover competition, for the 2022 diary the winning design was created by Joel Murnane, 11B.

This years diary cover is a tribute to the indigenous history of the land and people. We are on the land of the Boon-Wurrung People.

The bird is often seen feasting on our grass in large numbers, a beautiful sight to see,

Well done Joel!


Year 12 Jackets

Students recently received their Year 12 Jackets. They look amazing and students are loving wearing them, even on 36 degree days. Well done to Audrey Abelard for the winning design!


Breakfast club

Homestead hosts a breakfast club every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday outside of the library. There is plenty of food on offer, we encourage all students who are able to come in a little earlier to come, eat and socialise in the mornings before the day starts. A good breakfast ensures we are ready and able to learn. Breakfast club is sponsored by Food Bank.