Art & Technology 

Arts and Technology

Welcome to the Arts and Technology Faculty for 2022.  This year we welcome three new teachers to the area – Ms Maria Theodorakis, Mrs Suzanne Tate and Mrs Ruth Smith who will be working along side Mrs Casey De Silva, Mr Andrew Young, Ms Jacqueline Morales, Ms Vicki Manioudakis, Mr Sam Eddy and Mr Gordon Gunn. 


For this edition of the Score, we are celebrating the successes of students who are undertaking studies in Food Technology and Food Studies.

The focus at the start of each unit of work is safe food practices and hygiene, so all classes have needed to be able to identify any potential dangers within the college kitchen, assess the potential danger and implement ways to prevent the danger from happening – Year 10 and 11 students have extended this thinking into a commercial kitchen and have also been exploring HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points).


Students have been looking at a variety of food preparation techniques such as knife skills, steaming, frying, baking, aerating, piping and boiling. All students will now be familiar with what the ‘Danger Zone’ is and why it is so important to prepare, store and serve food in a safe manner. 

Food orders, production plans, research, sensory evaluations and self-reflections take place most weeks so as students can demonstrate their thinking processes in both a constructive and reflective manner. 

As a new teacher to the College, I am enjoying getting to know the students and enjoy seeing the pleasure they get each week from starting with a collection of ingredients and turning them into a product to be proud of. (With any luck, you might also get to experience this at home as they practice their skills!!).  As a lot of the items made in Food Technology / Food Studies often don’t make it past the door, students are photographing their work as a record of their achievements. 


I look forward to seeing students continuing in their food journey.


Mrs Ruth Smith

Arts and Technology Leader

Music Report

What an exciting start to the 2022 year it has been in the classroom and the instrumental music program.


We humbly welcome every student and parent who has joined us in the music program and encourage everyone to make contact and become involved in producing high quality musical performances that we can all be very proud of.


Our excellently trained music staff,  Chris Schurmann, Amber Ferraro and myself have put together wonderful ideas that embrace high level learning for their students who have this year become involved in learning new instruments and is in the process of developing new and exciting musical ensembles. Most of the students have started their lessons and there are currently no enrolment places left. This is exhilarating as it demonstrates the importance that music plays within the lives of our community.


There are some amazing additions to the instruments being taught this year. In 2022 we have added violin and cello, building on from trumpet and trombone added in 2021 which saw a big cohort take up those instruments and all have continued this year on them. This means we will now have the added ability to create balanced and larger music ensembles which are great for performing and building our most confident and positive young musicians. It also means expanding our repertoire and being able to represent Scoresby Secondary College in many more events to our external community. 


At present we are working towards commencing the Scoresby Secondary College Orchestra towards the end of Term 1. It will build slowly from March 21 with Monday lunch rehearsals being conducted in the Student Resource Centre. We will involve most of the strings’ cohort in this ensemble as we prepare for the performing exciting musical works.


The Scoresby CHOIR will be rehearsing on Tuesdays, and it comprises not only the singers learning voice but also the other instrumentalists who enjoys singing in a choir. 


We have an open invitation to all students, teachers or parents, who wish to join an accomplished and exciting ensemble. Singing is meditation at its best and is a major of wellbeing in our community.


It is also extremely gratifying and rewarding to be a performer playing in balanced music band as it provides an opportunity to meet and engage with others, develop new friendships and learn new skills.


So, everybody, please keep in contact with our music staff.  We will endeavour to maintain conversation with you about our fabulous musicians and bands, and it is hoped we all see each other at many rewarding concert performances.


Mr Gordon Gunn

Music & Performing Arts Coordinator

Art Report

Year 8 students have got off to a great start in Art this year!


We have begun the semester by working on some important fundamental art skills – observational drawing, and tonal rendering. We have also learned about Cubism, and some students have completed an extension task, by producing their final artwork in a Cubist style. 


The students began by learning about observational drawing. Using line to draw a three-dimensional object, such as their hand, as accurately as possible, with correct proportions.

Students then learnt about using tone to create the illusion of form and began exploring a range of new materials such as charcoal and oil pastel. They also began drawing more complicated still-life arrangements.  

To finish the unit, students created a final mixed-media artwork of a still life, in either a realistic, or abstracted Cubist approach. 

The skill of observational drawing and tonal rendering will be an excellent foundation for any future artwork and will continue to improve with regular practice. Well done 8A and 8B!


Mrs Suzanne Tate

Art / Visual Communication Teacher