Religious Education

Marylene Douglas

The Advent wreath is a circular garland of evergreen branches representing eternity. On that wreath, four candles are typically arranged, three purple candles and one pink candle. As a whole, these candles represent the coming of the light of Christ into the world. During the season of Advent one candle on the wreath is lit each Sunday as a part of the Advent services. Each candle represents an aspect of the spiritual preparation for the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

During Advent we celebrate 4 gifts that God gave the world through his greatest gift, his Son. 

Our first gift is the gift of hope- hope in the coming Messiah. Jesus gave hope to the world when he died for us. Through his death and resurrection we have hope for a better world with Christ.

Our second gift is the gift of Peace. Peace is like a candle shining bright. With the Holy Spirit working within us we can be peacemakers in our world.

Our third gift is the gift of Joy. Joy is like a candle’s dancing light. Jesus wants us to be joyful and to make others happy.

Our fourth and final gift is the gift of love. Jesus brought love to his world and ours. Love is like a candle that brightens our life. We are called to be loving to others and to remember God's greatest commandment “To Love one another as I have loved you!”

Earlier this week we were lucky enough to be able to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with many of our Year 6 students. It was definitely a time of joy for the students and their families as the gifts of the Holy Spirit were enlivened within them. 

These students will also be graduating from St Louis de Montfort’s, where many have spent the last 7 years learning, laughing and growing together. 

So let us give thanks to God for the gift that these students have been to our school community and may they treasure their gifts and talents and use them well for their own good, and the good of all whom they meet. 

May they know God’s great love for them and always believe and trust that He has a great plan for them.  May they always treasure the gift of faith and continue to grow in friendship with Jesus. 

May God bless them as they set out on the next part of their life’s journey.

And may God bless each and everyone of you in our St Louis’ community. May God bring you Hope, Peace, Joy and Love this Christmas season and keep you and your family safe.

Wishing you all a spirit-filled Christmas and a New Year filled with love and happiness. 

God Bless You.