Captains' Corner 

Faith & Mission - Jethmi Almeida and Chris Kelly

Hello everyone our names are Chris and Jethmi and we are your Faith and Mission captains for 2022.


As your F&M Captains, this year we are looking forward to working with all our fellow Leaders and Members of this College to create a stronger bond with one another and to foster our spirituality again after being stuck at home for the past 2 years.  We would like to work towards consolidating our faith and working towards a more inclusive and close-knit community.


So far this year, although it is still early we have begun to work with our fellow Student Leaders behind the scenes about initiatives throughout the year, raising money for important causes like Caritas, special events like MAD Day and Harmony Day as well as ways to further engage with our College community in events like the upcoming Aquatics Carnival.  Additionally, Chris and I have begun to work with our Youth Minister, Jessica Edwards, on seeking ideas about social justice and how we as a community can get more involved in events as mentioned above, and local events. You may hear about the Social Justice Committee Jessica is running starting from the 22nd; please feel free to come join us in some of the meetings.


Over the course of this year, Jethmi and I are excited to be organising upcoming masses and hosting assemblies as per the Faith component of our Captaincy.  Regarding our Mission aspect, we are hoping to continue the legacy of our prior F&M Captains (Tiana Amoretti and Kent Mijares) and follow in their footsteps with some of their incompleted projects and further work with our communities and the connections we have already established, such as Wellsprings for Women and our Sister Schools.


Overall, both of us are hoping to bring back a more vibrant environment after the past couple years and we are excited about what is to come ahead of us. 



Christopher Kelly and Jethmi Almeida