House News - Monoceros 

Nigel Adkin - House Leader

What a start to 2022 we have seen.  The students of Monoceros have hit the ground running and tackled the start of the year head on.  It doesn’t seem to matter what year level they are in whether it be commencing their educational journey (Year 7) or starting their final year (Year 12), all have adapted extraordinarily well to been back at school. 


Over the next few weeks, a variety of events will be taking place, whether it be the Year 7 Camp, the Annual House Swimming Carnival or the Year 12 Retreat, all our students will have a number of co-curricular activities to participate in.  I look forward to watching our students grow and develop throughout 2022 with all the opportunities that are on offer and work hard together on building a strong House spirit, which each and every student in Monoceros can be proud of.


Well done everyone on a great start to the year and let’s all continue to build and grow together.


Year 12 Monoceros students receiving their Year 12 badges

Year 7 Monoceros student receiving their House badges.