Learning in Focus

Lynn Cemeljic - Learning Coordinator - English and Languages

Independent Reading Program


Reading for Fun and Educational Improvement 


One of the innovative new programs introduced to the English faculty this year is an ‘Independent Reading Program.’  We all know that we are moving very much towards an ‘Information Economy’ where an individual’s ability to access and process complex written information is key to success. 


During remote learning last year, many students were quite frustrated by their difficulty in trying to work through textbooks at home independently.  This year, every English class will set aside specific times for students to read in class.  The goal is to allow students to choose their own reading material which will hopefully encourage them to engage more fully with the reading process.

Reading silently for sustained periods will also develop students’ ability to concentrate for extended periods during assessment tasks such as end of semester examinations.  By increasing their ability to tune out distractions and concentrate more effectively in the classroom, students will learn to use their class time more productively.  Once they have read for an extended period, students are encouraged to share what they have read with peers and their teacher.  This enables them to consider the ideas and events that occurred in the text. It also fosters genuine conversations in which students are building positive relationships and sharing their learning and opinions with one another.  


As the semester progresses, students will be introduced to strategies and techniques that they can use to develop and enhance their literacy skills.  We are all very excited about our new literacy skills initiative.