Courage to Care Excursion

Written by Miss Rachel Jasper

Students and staff from secondary were blessed with the opportunity to hear first-hand accounts of WWII and a holocaust survivor's story during the recent workshop Courage to Care. 


The purpose of the day was to challenge us to recognise prejudice, bullying and discrimination and to have the courage to speak out or act on the behalf of victims. Presenters shared stories of those who had bravely worked to save Jews and others being persecuted by the Nazis during WWII. 


The sessions were aimed at giving practical tools to our students on how to be an upstander. They talked about being prepared, supporting victims, signalling disapproval to perpetrators and activating other bystanders. 

We hope that this session will benefit our students greatly both now and in the future in being a voice for the voiceless and striving for justice with courage.