Congratulations to Peter Lewis, Class of 1971 who was announced as an OAM recipient in the 2023 King's Birthday Honours Awards.
Peter's OAM was for service to the community through a range of organisations. Peter has been heavily involved with Rotary since 1978. You can read more about Peter's achievements here:
Rotary Australia
- Benefactor, Interplast.
- Benefactor, Rotary Foundation Australia.
- Benefactor, Australian Rotary Health Research Fund.
- Benefactor, Indigenous Medical Scholarships.
Rotary District 9810
- Chairman, District Interplast Committee, since 2018.
- Member, Youth Exchange Committee, 1996-2000.
Rotary Club of Bentleigh Moorabbin Central Inc.
- President, 1978-1989.
- Former Director and Committee Chairman.
- Member, 1978-2021.
Rotary – Other
- Benefactor, The Rotary Foundation, Rotary International, current.
- Member, Rotary Club of Southbank, Melbourne, since 2021.
- International Presidential Citation, 2016.
- Benefactor, St Kilda Mums, since 2018.
- Justice of the Peace, since 1990.
- Treasurer, McKinnon Football Club, 1975-1980.
- Director, Sholem Aleichem College, 1986-1994.
- Fellow, Royal Association of Honorary Justices of Victoria.
Awards and Recognition includes:
- Paul Harris Fellow, nine occasions.
- Emerald, Ruby and Gold Companion, Australian Rotary Health.
- Special Award, Volunteer Recognition Program, City of Glen Eira, 2010.
- Fellow, Australian Institute of Company Directors.
What a remarkable career. Thank you, Peter, for your contributions to our community.
Michael Kan Principal
“It was a great surprise to be informed that I had been nominated. I am pleased to say that over the years I have been successful in seeing some of my own nominees receive awards. I genuinely believe that there are many people out there who warrant an award.
As a Rotarian for 45 years, a Freemason 40 years and a Justice of the Peace of 33 years, I have strong views in relation to community service.I come from a traditional Jewish upbringing and often reflect on how lucky my family and I are in this great country when compared to what my late grandparents and great grandparents went through with the atrocities of the first and second world wars. Gladly, my own three children, their partners and my six grandchildren will not ever see a repeat of what took place so many years ago.
I will celebrate this prestigious award /recognition on my 70th birthday next month. I have always believed in 'giving back' and am a major donor to various entities.
I am delighted that my mother, aged 92, is able to celebrate with me on receipt of this prestigious recognition"
Peter Lewis (Class of 1971)
OAM recipient for service to the community through a range of organisations