Junior School

‘R U OK? Day’

Research shows that high levels of mental health in students are associated with increased learning, creativity and productivity, more pro-social behaviour, improved relationships with peers and better physical health.


As such, the importance of mental health awareness in schools is immense. While this can be a delicate subject at times to broach with Stage 3 students, it is vital that students are aware of the need to monitor their mental health just as they do with their physical wellbeing.


While any day can be ‘R U OK? Day, this year it is formally recognised on Thursday 8 September.


However, before asking a friend or peer “R U OK?”, students are encouraged to consider a few points:

  • Are they in a good headspace?
  • Are they willing to genuinely listen?
  • Can they give as much time as needed?
  • Are they the best person to have the conversation? 

It can sometimes be difficult for students in upper primary school years to reveal to a friend if they are in need of additional help. As such, the boys are reminded of the various support systems that are currently in place at the College, which are often more suitable avenues for them to access. Classroom teachers are a great first port of call for the boys to turn to if required. Our fantastic team of counsellors are also available to provide expert support and guidance. Finally, students are always welcome to come and see me at any time during the day if they would like to discuss an issue.


Our boys are reminded of the fact that they do not need to have all of the answers to any problems they encounter, or which are shared with them by a friend. Listening is one of the most important things that another individual can do to provide support. However, it is important to understand that talking about specific challenges can be difficult and there will always be an adult at school who can assist with any issues that may arise. 


Our staff are wholeheartedly committed to supporting each individual student in the Junior School, but they can only do so if they are made aware of an incident or situation. I would kindly ask that all parents/carers reinforce this message with their son/s as we seek to further strengthen the vital connection that exists between our students, staff, and parents/carers. 

‘Celebration of Learning’ Events

A friendly reminder that the Junior School will be hosting our ‘Celebration of Learning’ events later this week for parents/carers to attend. On Thursday 8 September, all Year 5 classes will host their ‘Celebration of Learning’, while the same event will be hosted by Year 6 classes on Friday 9 September. Both events will begin at 2:40 PM and conclude by 3:40 PM. 


Parents/carers are warmly invited to attend the particular grade event their son is taking part in and are asked to visit the relevant Junior School classroom just before 2:40 PM on the day. During the session, students will present different samples of work across chosen Key Learning Areas. The boys will also have several questions prepared beforehand for parents/carers to ask them about in order to promote further discussion. 


Parents/carers are also asked to please take the time to view the work that other students are presenting, rather than solely focusing on their own son as some students will not have family members present. Any students who need to leave school at 3:10 PM to catch public transport will be allowed to do so. We look forward to hosting parents/carers on Thursday and Friday this week for our inaugural ‘Celebration of Learning’ events! 


As always, if you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email (glenn.stephenson@spc.nsw.edu.au) or phone (8705 9247) and I will endeavour to assist you in any way that I can.


May God bless you,


Glenn Stephenson 

Director of Junior School