
EPHESIANS 2:10 We are God's work of art, created in Christ Jesus for the good works which God has already designated to make up our way of life.


During the recent holidays, I was fortunate enough to travel to the Flinders Ranges for a relaxing trip on the Pichi Richi Steam train. After a term with lots going on, it was wonderful to just have time to take a break, take a breath and enjoy the scenery and a lovely picnic with my family. With the click-clack of the train in the background, I was lulled into a reflective trace and was in awe of just how beautiful our country really is. Even though it was chilly outside, the sun was shining, the sky was the most beautiful blue and the mountains and bushland provided a magical backdrop for the many native creatures that were out exploring. 


It is moments like this that as a Christian, I am reminded or the true artist and creator that God is! From the many shades and hues of the cliffs to the intricate details of the blossoms and flowers and varied forms of life we find surrounding us, to the breathtaking sunrises and sunsets, the realisation that God designed it all can be overwhelming. God is an artist. The most brilliant, creative artist ever to exist. 


When we look at ourselves and our lives, we sometimes forget that God is the artist and creator of us as well. He is making something beautiful out of us and our lives. We may not see the beauty now -- we may not even see any design or evidence that God is working -- but we will recognise it someday. God’s plan is for each one of us to be much more beautiful and glorious than a sunset or an intricate flower. And we will be! God will not fail.



Submitted by Bec Mattner