
Sr Mary Moloney rsm

Dear Members of the Academy Community,


Every school is required to undergo a four yearly VRQA Review which looks at our compliance in a number of areas and also gauges how the school is progressing in the following five areas:

  1. Religious Dimension
  2. Learning and Teaching
  3. Student Wellbeing
  4. Leadership and Management
  5. Community

Our review took place last week, with two reviewers onsite who toured the school, checked our compliance and then focussed on our documentation pertaining to the five areas above.  In ascertaining the school’s performance in the above five areas, significant documentation was looked at and interviews took place with the Leadership Team, staff, students, parents and Advisory Council members.


It was extremely pleasing to hear the reviewers’ positive report on the five areas above and also to know that we had achieved full compliance, including the 11 new Child Safe Standards which only came into effect on 1 July 2022.  Read more here:



A formal report is yet to come, but this report will offer commendations and recommendations for the College as we move forward into the future.  A review such as this takes an enormous amount of preparation and I commend the work of the Leadership Team who have worked tirelessly over the past months to ensure that all required areas were met.


The findings of the review will form the basis of our new Strategic Plan which will be developed by the end of the year.


Next week is Science Week with the theme “Glass more than meets the eye”?  Science is such an important area of the College, an area that the students particularly love for its challenge.  


Read more about the creative activities the science department will be conducting on our STEM page, including BUG FOOD, which the Science Learning Leader commented ... "Sr Mary, we expect you to lead by example with this activity!


Mercy Day is almost upon us and once again I remind parents that you are very welcome to attend the Mercy Day Mass at 10.00am at St Patrick’s Cathedral on Friday 9 September. Mercy Day is a time for us to pause and celebrate the blessings of this year and of the past 165 years.


Every blessing,

Sr Mary Moloney rsm 











We remember Hiroshima and Nagasaski
6 August 1945
9 August 1945
Let us remember Hiroshima as a beacon to commit ourselves
to find ways to live together in peace, 
that we may not be just peace lovers,
but peacemakers