General Notices

Traffic Safety on the College Property


Parents / carers, please be reminded of safe traffic practices when driving on the College property:

  • 20kph maximum speed limit. 
  • Always be prepared to stop and give way to students walking alongside or crossing roads.
  • Students may never exit vehicles from cars that are not correctly parked in a marked parking space. (No roadside drop offs.)
  • Use of the Kiss & Go Zone parking spaces (marked with yellow cones) between 8.15am - 8.45am is strictly for dropping off Year 10 - 12 students. Parents / carers should not park and leave the vehicle but should exit this area as soon as students have left the vehicle.
  • When using the Kiss & Go Zone between 8.15am - 8.45am, exit from the property is via Gate 2, not Gate 1. This allows a smoother flow for Prep - Year 9 traffic exiting at Gate 1.

Thank you for your cooperation, for the safety of our students, and as a courtesy to other parents / carers.


Andrew Holland

Business Manager



We have limited vacancies for next year and would encourage you to submit your Enrolment Application Form as soon as possible if you wish your child to be considered for a place.



We are now accepting enrolments for 2024 and beyond (particularly Prep and Year 7) and look forward to hearing from you if you wish to enrol your child(ren). 


Notice to Withdraw

Parents are reminded of their obligation to give the College one full term’s notice, in writing to the Principal, if their children are not continuing at Oxley Christian College. The lack of one term’s notice will result in the payment of one term’s Tuition Fees.


It is also a legal requirement for you to inform us of the school to which your child’s enrolment is transferring. 


Caroline Lewis


Open 6.30am - 6.30pm | 9727 9200 |


Oxley Kids is now taking enrolments for 2024 and beyond, in all age groups, from 18 weeks to 3 and 4 year old kindergarten.


Please call 9727 9200 or email for a tour or to add your child to our waiting list.


Kim Sopar

Oxley Kids Director