From the Principal's Desk

Dear Monty South Community,
Last week we were lucky to have been able to present our Junior School production -Beyond the Beanstalk, co-written by our very smart and extra talented preforming arts teachers, Andy Coates and Emily Kilkenny.
It had originally been written for production about 18 months ago but with Covid, plans changed considerably. Parts were written for just televising and then taken out when we thought we could show it. Then of course, written back in when we were back to lockdown and televising.
So, we were absolutely thrilled to finally be able to showcase our students ‘talents and extend so many of them. It takes a great deal of work from a wide range of people to present a concert, but we have to say it was well worth it to see the reactions of the audience and the smiles and sheer joy evident in the students.
Even the students who given the choice would choose not to be there seemed to grow taller on the night with the feeling of accomplishment and increased self-confidence.
So, to all the cast members, lead characters and choir thank you and well done on your fantastic effort. You were awesome! We loved your energy, passion, and sheer enjoyment.
These achievements could not have been made possible without some massively committed people working behind the scenes and others making it happen.
Thank you to our magnificent family of staff - year level teachers and other staff – for rehearsals, ticket sales, warming up the performers and stage managing.
Thank you to the face painters, hair stylists and wardrobe managers of Tara DeBondi, Sally Cotterill, Clare Stirling, Natalie Williams, Lisa Matthews, Jodie James, Clare Cannon, Selena Kusaka, Amy Weston and Myfanwy Bostock.
Then there was SMC videography, Costumes without Drama with help from Yo Robertson, Deb Rewell, Lyn Hill and Jennie Sullivan; Jenny Hutchinson, program and graphics and Helen Giller for the background digital scenery.
And our families and students for their support but finally to our performing arts team, -what an extraordinary talented bunch of people. Jude Barry, Emily Kilkenny, and Andy Coates. Inspiring leaders of the program. All of them worked extraordinary hard and put in some very long days at school and on weekends to make sure it was a success on the night.
We are indeed lucky to be able to have them teach at our school.
School Concert Video and Costume return reminder
The deadline for ordering the Junior School Concert recording at the discounted price of $25 is August 26. After that, the price increases to $40. You can place your order at and enter the code for either performance (night 1 or night 2) on the film ordering page: MONTMORENCY22-TUES or MONTMORENCY22-WED.
Please return costumes - Thanks to all those who have returned their lead performer costumes . All outstanding costumes need to returned to the hirer asap. Please bring them to the Drama room. No need to launder, the hirer prefers to do this.
2022 Parent/Carer Opinion Survey
Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents and carers think of our school. The Parent Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour and student engagement. We encourage all families to participate in this survey. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.
A random sample of approximately 30 per cent of parents/carers/guardians have been selected to participate in the survey.
The Parent/Carers Opinion Survey will be conducted from Monday 15th August to Friday 16th September. A link to the survey will be sent out via Compass to the random sample.
The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the fieldwork period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones.
Last year we used the survey results to support planning for the Annual Implementation plan for the following year. This data also helps us to measure the impact of success alongside our current Annual Implementation Plan and School Strategic Plan.
Please speak to your child’s teacher or contact the office if you would like more information.
Tournament of Minds:
We have three teams participating in this year’s Tournament of Minds. ToM is an opportunity for students with a passion for learning and problem solving to demonstrate their skills and talents in an exciting, vibrant and public way. Our teams (Year 6 ‘Love Hate Relationships’, Year 5 ‘Monty Mysteries’ and Year 5 ‘Scientific Snakes’) have been working on a long Term Challenge over the last 6 weeks as well as various Spontaneous Challenges and will present their Long-Term Challenge solutions to a panel of judges on Saturday 20th August at La Trobe Uni. We wish our teams well on tournament day and hope they enjoy the experience.
MSPS Achievers
Our Tee Ball Team played this week in the Northern Metropolitan Regional Primary finals. This was a round robin format against other schools across the region. The team finished second overall and received a runner-up flag for the regional championships. We won two games and lost one game. All the students played well and showed great skill and sportsmanship on the day. Well done to all the tee ballers and coach Andy on a great season of Tee ball this year.
Hope Christian, 6A, is swimming as a member of DVE Aquatic Team, in the State Championships in Tasmania on the 13/14th August. She qualified in three events in the Girls 11 and under - 50m freestyle, 100m freestyle, 100m Individual Medley. She will also be swimming in the 12 and under 4x50m freestyle relay team. Good luck Hope!
Great to see Cooper Haynes in his State footy jersey!
Parent Communication with the school and teachers
We know there can be times when students return home to advise their parent/carer of something that happened at school that causes parents to be upset or alarmed. We understand that often such occasions may require clarification or resolution and as such it is important to communicate with the school or your child’s teacher directly and as soon as possible.
I want to stress however that communication sent in the evening is not ideal for either parent or teacher and therefore I ask that parents contact the teacher/school to discuss any concerning matters in person, or send an email in the morning. Please respect the teachers’ busy schedules and personal time. Mornings are often busy preparing for the day, so contacting us to request a call back or a meeting is the best approach. We want to ensure we have the opportunity to address any issues you or your child might have. This is our highest priority. Thank you for your understanding.
Tribes Competition
The Wellbeing Captains are excited to be launching the “Tribes Agreements Competition”. Each week, one of the Tribes Agreements will be selected and students can enter the competition by creating an artwork depicting that agreement.
Next week students at MSPS will be drawing what the Tribes Agreement “Appreciations/No Put Downs” mean to them. The winning drawings will be chosen each week.
We are looking forward to launching this project and can’t wait to see what you all come up with.
- Appreciations/No Put Downs
- Attentive Listening
- Mutual Respect
- The Right to Pass
- Personal Best
From the Wellbeing Captains, Abbey Haboldt and Keira Van Der Pluym
Country & Culture Day/Last day of term
Country and Culture Day will be held on Thursday 15th September. This is also the last day of the term. Finish time is 3.30pm. The following day, Friday is a pupil free day.
Book Parade - Wednesday 24th August
The book parade will be commence at 9.30am until 11am. All students from Prep to Year 6 can come dressed as their favourite author or character.
We will hold this event outside, weather permitting, otherwise we will have it in the hall. Parents are welcome to attend however once again we urge you to wear a mask if the event is held indoors.
Tea towel Drive
Our tea towels are pretty old and tired in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden so we are asking for your help to bring renew our supplies. We appreciate generous donations of new tea towels. A donation box can be found at the office.
Dates for the diary
- Mon 15th August – Year 6 excursion to Montmorency Secondary school for SpongeBob Square Pants The Musical
- Science Week – starting Monday 15th August
- Book Week – starting Monday 22nd August
- Weds 24th August – Book Parade (during Book Week)
- Kindness Week – starting Monday 29th August
- Weds 31st August – Yr 6 Graduation & Captain photo shoot (approx. 10am to 11.30am)
- Thursday 1st Sept - Father’s Day Stall
- E-Smart Week – starting Monday 5th September
- Mon 12th Sept – Year 5 Camp (Mon to Weds/2nights) to Anglesea
- Thurs 15th Sept – Country & Culture Day/Last day of school – 3.30pm finish
- Friday 16th September - Pupil-free Curriculum Day
Term 4
- Monday 31st October - Pupil-free Curriculum Day (Day before Melb Cup)
- Monday 19th December – Final day of school for students
- Tuesday 20th December - Pupil-free Curriculum Day
Leanne Sheean
Montmorency South Primary School acknowledges traditional owners of country throughout Australia and recognises the continuing connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and to elders both past, present and future.
‘Montmorency South is an inclusive learning community where students are inspired to be respectful, creative, curious and independent learners.’
Our Belief:
We believe that every person in our Montmorency South school community has the capacity to assist each student in attaining our vision.
Motto - Together we learn, lead and achieve