
Mr David Murphy


Absence from Mid-year Exams

I have had a number of families inform me that their child will be absent during the mid-year exam period, mostly due to family trips. It is very disappointing that families choose to treat this very important part of the College’s educational program so lightly. 


Formal exams form a major part of assessment at Year 12 and gaining experience preparing for and sitting formal exams is vital if students wish to maximise their Year 12 results. The exam period has been on the calendar since the start of the year and is a compulsory part of the Senior School program. Parents and students should note the following points regarding students being absent from exams:

  • Any student who misses an exam for medical reasons MUST supply a medical certificate. Failure to do so will result in the exam result being forfeit.
  • If a student has a genuine non-medical reason for missing an exam, application must be made to the Head of Brookhill for the absence to be authorised.
  • The College will not make arrangements for students who miss exams for non-authorised reasons to re-sit exams.
  • The College will not make arrangements for students who plan to be absent from exams to sit exams before the exam period.
  • Students who miss exams for non-authorised reasons may forfeit the exam score for purpose of calculating final grades.

Year 11 2023 Course Selection

Although current Year 10 students won’t be selecting Year 11 courses until Term 3, I encourage families to start thinking about Year 11 courses and post-school options as early as possible. Now is a good time for families of Year 10 students to start attending University Open Days. Students and parents are always welcome to contact the Careers staff to clarify any questions or seek guidance. The Careers staff can be contacted via email on: