Foundation Class 

Questions In The Prep Class

The preps have been working hard on their writing this term. Last term, we focused on our letter formation and becoming more automatic with writing these letters. 


Last week, the prep students learned to ask and write question sentences. It is as important for the students to learn how to generate questions as it is for them to learn how to answer them.


When learning anything new, with writing, I like to present it orally first to the preps rather than in writing. Once the students are familiar with the new concepts through oral practice, we then practice it with written examples.


The students were introduced to the skill of developing questions by using something that was very familiar to them which was our story of the week, ‘Edward the Emu’. I used this book because it was well-known to them.


The students enjoyed thinking of questions that they wanted to ask ‘Edward the Emu’. Once they understood that a question sentence asks a question and always ends in a question mark, they started to create their own questions.


Some of the preps students amazing question sentences can be seen below.

Evie's questions sentences.
Hayley S's great questions.
Savannah's questions for Edward.
Eliska has a lot of questions to ask.
Evie's questions sentences.
Hayley S's great questions.
Savannah's questions for Edward.
Eliska has a lot of questions to ask.
Casey had great questions to ask Edward.
Casey had great questions to ask Edward.


As a surprise for the students, ‘Edward the Emu’ sent back a short video saying hello and answered a written question from every student in the class. The students were amazed that ‘Edward’ knew their names and answered their individual questions. Below is a very short snippet of the start of the video.