Student Well-being

This term, Wellbeing lessons across the school have been planned based on our Corpus Christi School Beliefs and Rules and the positive behaviours we associate with each. Each Learning Community has planned a sequence of lessons that target each belief and what they look like within our school.
Year 3/4 Community
This week, the Year 3/4 Community focused on the School Belief:
'We have the right to feel safe and be safe'
In the Year 3/4 Community, we’ve been exploring Corpus Christi’s Behaviour Matrix that outlines the expectations of how we treat each other in all areas of the school. We started the term by looking at the statement ‘We have the right to feel safe and be safe’ where we worked in small groups to create multiple choice questions about how we behave at school and then made our own Kahoot. You can play that here!
Then came the real fun! The students were set a quiet task to complete and the teachers began making noise. Just a little at first, and then there was music playing loudly from a computer, yelling out across the room to each other, playing a harmonic and even an electric guitar! Of course this made the task really difficult to complete which led to a great discussion on how we all have the right to learn and we should make positive choices in our learning to allow us to be successful as well as those in our learning community.
A book that we enjoyed reading was Tiger has a Tantrum by Sue Graves which highlights how our behavior in class can impact others and also how we can regulate our own emotions to stay calm and use our growth mindset when we feel overwhelmed. We used that as an opportunity to sort various behaviours into groups labeled ‘appropriate’ and ‘inappropriate' in small groups. ’
According to Sebastian Franze in 3/4S, a practical example of We Have the Right to Feel Safe and Be Safe means “we don’t run on the concrete because we could trip and hurt ourselves”
"We have the right to learn so people can’t disturb us because you wouldn’t like to be disturbed. Treat others how you want to be treated” added Francesca Miller, 3/4K.
Oscar Brudenell in 3/4R said “We have the right to be respected for who we are and for what we have to offer is about not excluding others because they are different and including people in activities”. We believe that having these behavioural expectations consistent, not just across the Year 3/4 learning community but the whole of Corpus Christi will see everyone feel safe, welcomed and successful.
Lauren Borg
e-Learning/Student Well-being Leader