Friday 10 June
Completion of Unit 1 & 3 Coursework
Monday 13 June
Queen’s Birthday
Tuesday 14 June
Correction / Report Writing Day - Student FREE DAY
Wednesday 15 June
Year 11 Exam Week (15 to 17)
Thursday 16 June
Instrumental Music Mid-Year Concert (6.30 pm)
Friday 24 June
End of Term 2 - 2.30 pm Finish
Monday 11 July
First Day Term 3
Units 1/3 Subjects
Semester 1 for VCE students finishes this Friday, 10 June.
Students are reminded to make sure that all tasks have been submitted by Friday in order to receive a ‘Satisfactory’ for their units.
If you are unsure on what tasks need to be completed, make sure you contact your teacher.
New Study Space and Kitchen
It has been great to see so many VCE and VCAL students settling into their new study space in the Library and utilising their new kitchen space for eating out of the cold (Supper Room).
We are looking forward to seeing more students spending their Study Periods and lunchtimes in this space working independently and collaboratively.
Always remember, that our door is always open and we are here for whatever you need, so always feel free to pop in and see us.
Have you noticed someone doing a good deed? It is time to reward them!
We are wanting to spread some positivity throughout our community and acknowledge those students who do things in their day to day that show kindness.
For this reason, we have posted a Google Form on both the Year 11 and 12 Google Classrooms where students and staff are able to nominate someone who has done something positive in our community.
It could be something as little as paying a compliment to a fellow student that makes them smile, or helping out a member of the public after school. Whatever it is, if you feel it is worth acknowledgement – let us know!
All students who have been nominated will go into the draw to win a prize at the end of each month!
Year 11 Presentation Ball Sunday 19 June
Palladium at Crown
Level 1 Crown Towers, Crown Melbourne,
8 Whiteman Street
5.00 pm - 9.00 pm
For all queries regarding the ball, please see Ms Devine in the PAC Office.
VCE Coordination Team