Tuesday 7 June
Year 8 High Tech Hospital Day
Thursday 9 June
Year 8 High Tech Hospital Day
Monday 13 June
Queen’s Birthday
Tuesday 14 June
Staff Professional Practice Day - Student FREE DAY
Thursday 16 June
Instrumental Music Mid-Year Concert (6.30 pm)
Tuesday 21 June
Year 8A - 8E Significant Person Afternoon
Wednesday 22 June
Year 8F - 8K Significant Person Afternoon
Friday 24 June
End of Term 2 - 2.30 pm Finish
Monday 11 July
First Day Term 3
Year 7 Tech Taster
Students in 7F have been creating a mystery island, a supervillain or superhero, using all the information and skills they have explored so far in STEAMworks!
Year 8 Humanities
On Tuesday 17 May, Year 8 SEAL students attended an excursion in the City, focusing on civics and sustainable building design.
Year 8 Captains Report
Oliver & Luci
On Thursday 26 May, there was a whole school assembly entirely led by student leaders. It was the first whole school assembly since 2019. There was a small performance of Summer Days, a song by Vance Joy, led by a couple of Year 12’s.
After this multiple year level captains came up and led a small recap of events of the last term significant.
Aylshah Beers and Allanah Bomford (Year 9), spoke about the significance of Reconciliation Week, including significant events such as, the Mabo decision and the 1967 referendum.
Over the last few weeks we had our Year 8 Boys Football team progress into the the Eastern Metropolitan finals, Year 8 Girls Netball team finish 2nd, Year 8 Boys Soccer progressed into the Eastern Metropolitan finals, Year 8 Girls and Boys team finished 2nd and the Junior Girls Footy team progressed to the Eastern Metropolitan finals.
Well done to all the teams who went out and represented our school.
Recently, we had Nathan Hull as a guest speaker for Health and Wellbeing Day. For the first two periods we sat in the Theatre as a year level and listened to Nathan about his story.
Nathan was born with radioulnar synostosis, which means that he can’t do a full rotation of his arm since both of his bones are permanently stuck together. He gave us some of the best advice, about being yourself and not worrying about what people say. It was a really great start for the day.
Year 8 Vice Captains
Annaliese & Ryan
On Friday 20 May, Year 8 students participated in a Health and Wellbeing Day which was introduced by Nathan Hulls, a motivational speaker for teens. As part of Health and Wellbeing Day there were a range of different activities for students to choose from such as; bike riding on the Warburton trail, MasterChef, Art installation, Lawn Bowls, movies, kayaking on Lillydale Lake and roller skating.
There were fun games involved on the roller rink which engaged students. While some students chose to stay close to the barriers, others free-skated or held hands with friends while skating. Hopefully this is the first of many health and wellbeing days to come.
On Monday 15 August in Term 3, the Year 8s will be going to the Summit camp. There they will be challenged by taking it to the next level, testing their limits for three days. There will be a range of leadership activities and heaps of friendship building exercises. I encourage you all to check out the Summit camp website to see all the cool activities on offer.
Year 8 History
Students in 8F made plague masks while studying the Black Death.
The Black Death was a devastating global epidemic of bubonic plague that struck Europe and Asia in the mid-1300s. The plague arrived in Europe in October 1347, when 12 ships from the Black Sea docked at the Sicilian port of Messina.
Junior School Team