LHS Uniform Requirements
We ask that all families support the school by ensuring that their son/daughter attends in full school uniform every day, including travelling to and from school.
The co-operation of parents and carers is expected in delivering a high standard of appearance for all students.
The Lilydale High School uniform policy is determined by School Council and reviewed on a regular basis.
Uniform requirements are available through LOWES Lilydale.
Please note, Year 7 and 9 students must wear the following compulsory uniform items;
- Maroon Pullover
- White SS Deluxe Shirt
- White SS Deluxe Blouse
Girls’ Uniform
- LHS printed maroon pullover
- School approved grey slacks
- Box pleated tartan skirt (knee length or below)
- Light frock school check
- White shirt/blouse with school logo
- White plain socks not black (no logos, stripes etc)
- Black opaque tights (no patterns allowed)
- BLACK polishable hard leather low-heeled school shoes-NO logos, sneakers styles, brands, stripes etc
Boys’ Uniform
- LHS printed maroon pullover
- School approved grey slacks
- Mid-grey tailored shorts
- White shirt with logo
- White plain socks not black (no logos, stripes etc)
- BLACK polishable hard leather low-heeled school shoes, NO logos, sneakers styles, brands, stripes etc
Physical Education Uniform
- Navy sports shorts with school logo
Navy/White polo top with school logo - Girls Black leggings
- Navy trackpants with logo
- White sports socks
- Cap/hat (excluding visors) to be worn by students in all Physical and Sport Education classes Terms 1 and 4
Optional items
- LHS navy shell jacket
- LHS scarf
- Students are encouraged to wear mouthguards during all Physical and Sport Education classes
- Belts must be of a plain black nature with an appropriate buckle
VCE Uniform
The VCE uniform is as for the rest of the school except students in Years 11 and 12 may wear the dark blue polo top with school VCE logo instead of the white shirt/blouse with school logo.
Students may wear the navy windcheater or navy pullover with the school VCE logo.
Facial Jewellery and Make-up
The school allows students to wear a stud or sleeper in the ear provided it does not infringe or breach School and Department of Education, Health and Safety Guidelines.
Make-up, nail polish and excessive jewellery are NOT to be worn at school.
Facial Jewellery
NO FACIAL JEWELLERY is PERMITTED to be worn by students during the school day.
Hair colour and style
It is expected that the students’ hair colours can be construed to be natural colours. Extremes of style and colour, including partial and ‘streak’ colouring are not permitted.
Out of Uniform
When students have an item out of uniform, they must present a parent/carer signed note and obtain an out of uniform pass from Year Level Coordinators.
Students must endeavour to wear something as close as possible to replace the item. Parents and carers will be contacted if students are constantly out of uniform. HOODIES are not permitted.
The only jacket that can be worn in place of the school pullover is the LHS navy shell jacket.
Only navy blue or black plain scarves can be worn.
Dress for Excursions
Unless permission is given by the Principal or Assistant Principal, all students will be required to wear full school uniform on all excursions.
In the warmer weather, it is recommended that a cap be worn whenever a student is outside. NO hats/caps are to be worn inside; they are to be stored in lockers during class time. Beanies are not to be worn at anytime.
Stuart Young
Assistant Principal