During our Negative Numbers topic Year 7 students have been learning how to plot coordinates in the form (x,y) on a Cartesian Plane. As part of our revision for this topic, students were able to complete a range of activities and games in class.


One of the revision activities involved students plotting coordinates on a Cartesian plane to reveal a surprise cartoon character. Outstanding efforts from Maddie Chang and Claire Jiang are shown below. 

Maddie Chang
Maddie Chang
Claire Jiang
Claire Jiang

Students were also asked to create their own picture and then write a list of instructions on how to sketch this image on a Cartesian plane using coordinates. These instructions were then swapped with a friend who was able to reveal the image created (or not, depending on how detailed the instructions were!). 

Another revision activity involved playing a game of battleships using a Cartesian grid. After strategically placing their own six battleships, students then needed to guess coordinates in the form (x,y) to try and sink the battleships on their partner’s grid and determine a winner.


Ms Little 

Year 7 Maths Teacher