Great Learning!
Great Learning!
This is the first of our new style newsletters. It will come out every fortnight on odd numbered term dates 3, 5, 7 and 9. You will find it on our Facebook Page, and you can also subscribe to get it delivered to your email. From time to time there will be special editions - like at the start of the year and for special occasions. If you have some notices or announcements please talk to one of our friendly staff in the front office.
The next edition will be published at the start of week 7, and we expect to have contributions from classes and updates about learning and lots of photo's!
Governing Council has approved a closure day on Wednesday this week so the staff can spend time working together on improving the school.
Wednesday is normally the day we finish school at lunch time to make time for Staff to plan together strong learning that has high expectations and is culturally respectful.
This is part of our school improvement journey.
We sent a note home Friday to let you all know there has been a Covid case in the school. We do not believe there has been a risk for students.
Every morning we remind students and staff to sanitise, wear masks and check for symptoms.
If you or your family have any symptoms please get checked at the clinic. We want everyone to be safe and well.
Schools are all about learning, and at Amata we are building a strong focus on great learning.
Last week we had a visit from Ann Morrice (Cover Page) who is helping us develop stronger ways to teach literacy. Ann is from Sydney and has many, many years of experience helping schools all over Australia and across the NT to be strong in thinking, speaking, reading and writing.
What else are we doing that is strong?
For Maths we use "Learning Through Doing" - a hands on way of learning maths that children get really involved in.
Berry Street - a way of supporting students to understand and manage their feelings; and be ready to learn for every lesson.
2 way science - a way of learning science that is connected to traditional ways of knowing and linking them to western ways of knowing. It only works when Piranpa and Anangu plan together and share the learning design together.
This week we welcome Justine Anderson to our team. Justine will be working in the front office.
Also we welcome Tanya Burton, joining us for cleaning the school.
Recently we said farewell to Mitch. He applied for a job at Ernabella, and when they offered it to him he chose to accept it. He has had a big influence in Amata, and we wish him well in his new job.
Our Assembly is held weekly on Fridays at 12:00 after lunch play break.
We would love to see Community Members join us to celebrate strong learning, see classes share work, present items, and receive awards based on our school values: Safety, Respect, Responsibility and Learning.
I have had some parents talk to me recently who have been concerned about teasing, swearing, bullying and paybacks.
We take this very seriously, and will not put up with mean words and behaviour in our school. Please ask your children if they have worry about teasing and bullying, and tell them to tell their teacher or AE what is going on. They might want you or a family member to help them say what they find hard to say.
We will take every report seriously, listen to all sides of the story and follow up with the families of children involved.
We encourage you to make a time to meet with your child's teacher and discuss what has been going on, and what change you can help with together.
We can only change this when we all have the same high expectation and work together to train our children in better ways to behave.
The children are the future of the Community, and we all want them to be safe, proud, strong and kind in all they do.