Year 11/12

Assistant Principal News
Term two is always a busy term for the Senior School.
All Year 11 and 12 VCE students recently participated in mid-year examinations. Research shows that students perform much better when exposed to extensive exam training and explicit feedback. Mid-year exams provide students with the opportunity to practice exam techniques in order to maximise results. Teachers can also address areas of concern in student performance and exam technique. As in previous years we will continue to utilise mid-year student exam results as an indicator for 2023 course selection. Our leadership team will be examining these results in preparation for course selection interviews and the results will serve as a guide to the appropriateness of subject selection. 2023 Course Selection interview are scheduled for week four Term 3.
Course Selection Information night is scheduled for Tuesday July 12th. Learning Area leaders and Year Level leaders are collaborating and planning highly engaging information sessions and a subject expo to ensure parents and students are presented with accurate information regarding the changes to the Senior Secondary Certificates.
Planning for the new Senior Secondary Certificates is well underway. The VCAL team spent a day at Salandra Rise completing professional development around the pillars of applied learning, constructive alignment, rubrics, integrated projects and comparing new and old curriculums. Some members of the VCAL team have also been interviewed by VCAA to feature in a promotional training video for the new VCE Vocational Major Certificate. Further information regarding the new Senior Secondary Certificates will be communicated soon.
Last Friday 17th June 22 of our Senior Students and 4 staff members headed off on the much-anticipated Central Australia trip. This is a wonderful learning opportunity for the participating students to experience.
Congratulations to all our Senior School students on successfully completing Semester One. I hope you have a safe and enjoyable holidays.
Carys Freeman
Senior School Assistant Principal
Key Dates
Week | Date | Event |
1 | Monday 11th July | First day Term 3 |
Year 11 VCE News
Unit 1 Student Awards
Well done to the following students who receive Unit 1 Subject Awards!
Excellence | Effort | |
Biology | Alessandra Caballero | Kira Bailey |
Abul GHULAMI | Gurkaran singh | |
Business Management | Nayana Georgie | Husna Arsala |
Breanna Nisbet | Fatima Ibrahimi | |
Amelia Ciepluch | Elian Tan | |
Chemistry | Jashnoor Saini | Alessandra Caballero |
William Richards | Abul Ghulami | |
Economics | Shania Sotto | Ali Reza Barati |
English | Max Brunsdon | Hisham Muhammadzai |
Noor Kaur | Harman Pal Reen | |
Shania Sotto | Neel Pandya | |
Nya Deng | Davinder Singh | |
Itunu Adeyemi | Fatima Raisi | |
William Richards | Flourish Akala | |
English EAL | Fatima IBRAHIMI | Mina ALIZADA |
Food Studies | Noor Kaur | Rosenel Mance |
General Maths | Jashnoor Saini | Kanishka Ibrahimi |
Vismaea | Abul Ghulami | |
Hitarth Bhavsar | Aditya Kundan | |
Maths Methods | Sadul WANASINGHE APPUHAMILAGE DON | Johar Ali |
Will Richards | Basit Ali Rezaee | |
Health and HD | Richel Rabusa | Hussnain Raza |
Adithiya Pradeep | Amelia Ciepluch | |
History | Nya Deng | Hayley Wigham |
Legal | Flourish Akala | Ryan Wall |
Addie Estella | Lena Marium Shaiju | |
P.E | Harman Pal Reen | Lochlan Ayre |
Physics | Ishneet UBHI | Jodon Diaz |
Psychology | Elian Tan | Vismaea Arun |
Studio Art | Hayley Wigham | Nyabigoa Deng |
Year 11 Well-Being Day
On Tuesday 14th June Year 11 students took part in a breakfast and then a semester one Assembly. Students then went to Gravity zone where they used their skills on the trampolines and did laser tag. Thanks for a fun day out!
Compass is a tool that the College users so parents can keep track of student progress. If you do not have your compass login please contact the College reception.
Compass allows you to:
- Input absences
- Check Learning tasks and assessments
- Check 3 weekly progress reports
- Access the SAC calendar and events
- Pay and consent for any excursions / events
- Check students daily schedule
- Email teachers
Year 11 VCAL News
Achievement PDS | Achievement WRS | Achievement Literacy | Achievement Numeracy |
Ashlea Harders | Ezzat Samadi | Taylah Cocking | Riley Kaim |
Paris Nikolakos | Katerina Viritch | Josh Kanja | Jacob Robinson |
Annaleigh Polutea | Felix Sumergido | Sana Fazily | Monique Beale |
Melgin Alejandrino | Yar Garang | Melgin Alejandrino | Felix Saxon |
Olivia Ravida | Mesum Rezai | Domonick Caploiu | Mitchell Hall |
Nischal Aryal | Aurora Leigh | Isla Brannan | Thomas Cosic |
Effort PDS | Effort WRS | Effort Literacy | Effort Numeracy |
Aaliyah Cornell | Nav Sandhu | Tamanna Hussaini | Holley Brown |
Mackenzie Hopper | Jaidyn Tourangi | Rohan Trendle | Sophie Wakeham |
Heidi Beale | Sana Fazily | Tuaua Muaau | Setara Setara |
Noel Abouri | Felix Saxon | Blake Parker | MelGin Alejandrino |
Alisina Kheyali | Jack Martin | Matthew Winderlich | Ethan Au |
Kaiyan Daniel | Mo Milosevic | Mehdi Rajabi | Kaiyan Daniel |
Achievement - Sport & Rec | Achievement - Business | Achievement - Product Design |
Georgia Kemish | Rylie Kaim | Bailey Wellington |
Effort - Sport & Rec | Effort - Business | Effort - Product Design |
Mackenzie Hopper | Mata Kamoe | Rohan Trendle |
Year 12 VCAL News
Twenty one of our Year 12 VCAL students successfully completed our Fast Track program. These students have worked diligently, demonstrating commitment and perseverance, to meet the requirements to achieve a VCAL Certificate mid-year. VCAA will issue these certificates in the coming weeks and we wish these students every success as they begin their journey beyond school whether that be in full time work, further study or Apprenticeship/Traineeships.
Year 12 VCE News
Senior School Mid-Year Exams
Congratulations to our year 12 VCE students who sat their mid-year exams last week. The students were well prepared and focused which was really pleasing to see.
We will be having an awards assembly on the last day of term to present achievement and growth awards to one student per subject.
Unit 3 done and dusted!
Our year 12s have completed Unit 3!
The past two weeks, in particular, have been very stressful and tiring (with exams and SACs), but they got through it! Lots of handwork and perseverance was shown from our year 12s.
I wish them all a well-deserved and restful break, to recharge and get ready to take on Unit 4!
Year 12 Well-Being Day
Our year 12 Well-Being excursion at Strike in Melbourne Central was a huge success! The students had a well-deserved rest day, where they took some time away from their studies and had lots of fun!