Year 9/10

Year 9

Year 10

Another busy term in year 10 with Career action Plan appointments, excursions and exams. Earlier in the term we celebrated some RGAR award recipients who have demonstrated the college values across all areas. Congratulations to the following RGAR badge recipients;

Lucy Bradbury,  Tyler Cain,  Justin Quinones, Dean Mudridic, Taylor Duncan, Taha Haider Najafi, Marcus Falealo, Summer Atmar Lilly Faupo, Mansoor Ghulami,  Najeeb Nabawi, Asiya Jamdar, Kyah Kennedy , Asghar  Fayazee, Jordan Bury, Stella Mayer, Hussain Mohammadi, Rochana Karunarathna


I would also like to congratulate the year 10 teachers and Students on a very successful exam period. For some students this was their first experience and the first time in at CESC that year 10s sat exams for all subjects. The students applied themselves very well in preparation for the exams and work hard throughout to achieve success. Their behaviour, commitment and effort is to be commended, we have been very impressed!


Important information:

Immunisations: 21/6/2022 – year 10 meningococcal immunisations. Please ensure immunization cards are returned to school ASAP.

Careers Action Plans (CAP) – those who have missed their appointments are being collected from class by a careers team member to complete the interviews

Work experience – 5-9th September. Students should be actively looking for a work experience placement, please see careers or year 10 leaders if there are any questions


Uniform Reminders

As we enter the cold winter months it is tempting for some students to wear extra layers or their PE uniform. Please be reminded of ours schools’ high expectations about uniform and help to support the college by encouraging your child to be in full correct uniform. If they wish to wear extra layers under their uniform, they can wear plain white or navy long sleeve tops, or can wear a navy scarf or beanie. If you have any concerns about providing the correct uniform, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s home group teacher.