Student Voice

Mr Culbert

This term we have focused on identifying and developing heroes, both staff and student. There are multiple examples of this occuring on the campus and in the classroom.

  1. Providing role models is a critical piece to the “hero” formula and Mr. Gould is doing just that through a mentoring program he is organizing which will pair junior school students with those from older year levels.
  2. Collaboration is also part of the hero development process and through the Student Representative Council, Ms. Spalding has guided the school captains in creating multi year level student action teams to address meaningful issues such as student written/driven surveys, uniform policy, and an interfaith prayer room.
  3. In writing about becoming heroic Russell Quaglia discusses the need for developing an “Attitude of Gratitude” (p. 21, Self-Worth Learning Guide; Quaglia Institute; accessed 29/05/22). In Term 1, the Year 12 VCAL Literacy team designed a writing outcome around this theme. The feedback from students was very positive and from those who received the letters even more so.

Those three examples are just the start as we continue to seek and develop opportunities enabling students to exceed their potential.


Thank you, Steve Culbert