
The 2023 school year for your child will commence on Thursday 2 February at 9am. When you arrive your child will be greeted by his/her classroom teacher. After saying your farewells, a tissue and tea morning tea will be held so that you can chat and mingle with other Foundation parents.

Your child will have a fabulous first day at school. The day will commence with a tour of the school. Your child will become familiar with their playground, toilets, sickbay, office etc. Students will be involved in range of Literacy, Numeracy, Wellbeing (social and emotional) and Developmental Play each day.  At TPS we begin to establish routines from the very first day of school.  Students will also attend specialist classes (Art, French, Music and Physical Education) every week for 50min each.  


We recognise that Foundation students get very tired in the first 4 weeks of school. To compensate, your child will not attend school on a Wednesday. Your classroom teacher will use this time planning to ensure that the teach to the point of need of the students in their classes.