
College House Athletics Carnival 

Last Tuesday students from the four competing houses, Barak, Chirnside, Penrose and Gillard battled it out for House glory at the annual House Athletics Carnival. 

Held at the Victoria University Athletics Track, students were provided with the opportunity to compete for house points in a variety of track and field events. In what can be described as perfect weather conditions, competitions were heating up with students racing around the track in an attempt for a podium finish. 

It was outstanding to see so many colourful and unique costumes displaying House colours and pride running around the track from both staff and students throughout the day.


After over 80 individual events completed throughout the day it all came down to the prestigious student and staff relays.

First an all girls race, females from the four houses brought together their fastest runners to take on the opposing houses. First place going to a strong Barak outfit, who cruised home to victory.


Second up in the relays, was the males race, again being won by a dominant Barak team.

Finally the last event for the day, the all important staff relay. It was a close race to start off with, however when it came to the last leg, it was clear that the Barak dominance was evident in the staff as well, taking out the win in front of a close second Penrose. 


Now for the results..

In fourth place.. Penrose Panthers on 242 points.

In third place.. Gillard Goats on 272 points.

In second place.. With their best ever Athletics results, congratulations to Chirnside on 476 points.

Which leaves the 2022 House Athletics Champions, the Barak Bulls with a smashing 631 points!!


Congratulations to all students for an outstanding performance both on and off the track throughout the day. The house pride was incredible to watch, and the cheering of one another was incredible to see. 


Lauren Marino

Sports Coordinator