
The Ascension of Jesus Christ - 24 May 2020

This Sunday we celebrate and rejoice that Christ is risen, in Him, we find a new lease on life. We take the opportunity to recall that death does not have to have the last word. Christ is risen – thanks be to God!


After the crucifixion, Jesus’ most committed followers were depressed, defeated, ashamed, and hiding in fear for their lives. Surely, some of those emotions are familiar to us, in our lives at this present moment. I call to mind the millions of refugees living in camps and the undocumented immigrants in detention centers, along with millions of people around the world still undertaking home isolation. Even those of us living relatively privileged lives go to sleep worrying about what the future will bring, especially in this time of global pandemic. 


Sometimes, we need to experience a sense of loss before we can be open to the possibilities of new life, which can arise in our hearts and minds. In January, so much of our nation was devastated by prolific fires affecting our environment, communities and livelihoods. So many of our neighbors were depressed and discouraged in the aftermath, feeling hopeless about never being able to rebuild their homes and that our beautiful forests would never be the same in our lifetime. Yet, now, only months on, we can see evidence that such death has made room for the new growth of saplings, and hope for new and beautiful life is re-emerging. 


Entrustment of Australia to Our Lady Help of Christians - 25 May 2020

The Bishops of Australia have decided to entrust Australia, during this pandemic, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary under the title of ‘Our Lady Help of Christians’. Please join us in prayer on Monday 25 May...


O Immaculate Mary, Help of Christians, Queen of heaven and earth, and tender Mother of humanity, at this time when a pandemic threatens all your children, we entrust to you our nation, Australia, and all who live in this country. 


We commit to your intercession all the members of our community, beginning with the weakest ones, from the unborn to the sick, the disabled and the elderly. 

We commit to you our families, our young and old, and all who are vulnerable, those who are quarantined or anxious. 


We entrust to your Immaculate Heart those who have lost their livelihood or employment, our pastors and other essential service workers, and our leaders at this time. 

We implore your intercession especially for the protection of doctors and nurses and those who minister to the contagious sick in this crisis. 


Reign over us, Mother of God, and teach us how to make the Heart of Jesus reign and triumph in us and around us, as it has reigned and triumphed in you! 





Mrs Amelia Bright | Acting Leader of Mission