Classroom News 

Maker Space Website

We have had a great response to our Maker Space Website this term which was set up for students and families to utilize during remote learning. Students engaged in Science experiments, STEAM activities, Art and Crafts, Lego Master Challenges, Chess Club and even some hustle dance demonstrations!


Here are just a few photos of Sacred Heart students taking on some of the challenges and inspiration from the Maker Space website whilst learning at home.


Thank you to the children and families for enjoying some of the challenges and the teachers who assisted in adding their passions and creativity  to our website. 

Kate Harris & Belinda Cheong

Huy, Lego spaceship, Grade 6
Huy, Lego spaceship, Grade 6
Frankie's Rock star Emu, Prep
Frankie's Rock star Emu, Prep
Isabelle M, Emu, Grade 4
Isabelle M, Emu, Grade 4