Deputy Principal / 

Religious Education News 

Welcome Back Whole School Protocols

Just a reminder to be prompt with picking up students as we have seen many cars double parking in Clifton Grove after school. It may also be parents of students at Parade College as they are also finishing school at this time. Students from Years 3-6 who do not have younger siblings are asked to leave via the front office gate. Thank you.


Parent Sacrament Information Night

We have scheduled a parent night for Catholic students who should be receiving sacraments this year. Parents of students in Years 3-6 (Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation) are invited to attend this special meeting on Wednesday 9th September at 7:00pm. Fr. Elio Capra will be presenting information about the Sacraments of the Catholic Church. This meeting has been booked although we are still waiting for Covid19 restrictions to be eased before confirming the meeting. We are still waiting on advice from Catholic Archdiocese Melbourne regarding Confirmation and once restrictions have eased we hope to have a First Communion date. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.


Year 5/6 Camp

We have rescheduled our Year 5/6 Camp at Camp Rumbug for Monday 19th October - Wednesday 21st October. Hopefully  Covid19 restrictions will have eased by then to allow us to attend camp.  We are fortunate that we have a small number so it may be possible to go ahead.