Whole School News

Canteen News 


Hello and a warm welcome to the grade 3-6 students. I can't believe how much you've all grown!


Don't forget that the Canteen is open from Tuesday-Friday each week and has lots of yummy items to keep the cold away. There is also a good supply of frozen pineapple,  watermelon and bananas available if you're after a frozen, healthy snack. Lunch orders are on offer and our on-line ordering service, Qkr! is available for your convenience. 


Yesterday, your child should have received a form inviting them to participate in a Welcome Back Morning Tea. This will be held on Wednesday,  the 24th of June, costs $5.50 and can be ordered through Qkr. This is a great opportunity to celebrate our School students return to on-site learning whilst contributing to the financial viability of the Canteen. All forms with payment,  are due on Tuesday,  the 16th of June.


Many thanks,

Sharon Hunter

Canteen Manager 


Uniform News

Students Of The Week 

Week 8

Prep K - Dylan & Danial

Prep N - Elizabeth and Emily

Prep S - Kiarnah & Sophie

Prep/1 Y - Lewis & Amina

1/2B - Angus & Harry

1/2K - Zaina & Aliya

1/2R - Carter & Patrick

1/2W - Lillian & Leo

2/3A - Grade 2's & Indiana

3/4F - Sunny

3/4T - Noah & Nicola

4/5M - Joanna

5/6M - Caleb

5/6W - Rose


House Points

Red Waratah!


Golden Wattle - 6 Points

Blue Gum - 3 Points

Red Waratah - 2 Points

Green Grevillea - 1 Point



School Photos